
Kids Club

  • Celebrate Judaism with the Kids Club!

    The Kids Club offers monthly programs promoting positive Jewish experiences for children. Children have the opportunity to interact with different Jewish holidays and mitzvot, learning lots while enjoying hands-on activities. These fun and educational programs explore the richness of Judaism leaving kids feeling excited and proud about their Judaism.

    Our Monthly Kids Clubs are the freshest and most exciting events, empowering kids to tap into their own interests while connecting to their identity and impact! Each month, we offer a thrilling and innovative program that gives your child the opportunity to experience each Jewish holiday in a memorable way. Through placing a compelling spin on the standard holiday traditions, we make Judaism relevant in your families’ life.

    Once a month, our Kids Hebrew School gathers for a school-wide assembly highlighting Jewish birthdays and children who have moved up in their Tzivos Hashem ranks. These gatherings nurture a sense of companionship and unity within the school community and give each child their time to shine.

    To participate in our Kids Club, you don't need to be enrolled in our Hebrew school of Arts or summer camp.

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