Join us for a Family Shul at the Chabad JCC located at 3306 Auburn Rd, Auburn Hills 48326
Following the services, there will be a Kiddush. The Kiddush is a sit down lunch, and the entire community is invited to participate!
Join us as we pray together in a meaningful and inspiring environment. No background or Hebrew experience is needed!
Hebrew books with English translation are provided, intermingled with English and Hebrew. Page numbers are announced throughout the service. Sing along to the familiar Jewish songs, listen to Jewish explanations and inspiration, and chant together the incredible verses in English!
Enjoy the community, inspiration, the great food and some Lchaim!
9:30 Prayer
10:30 Torah reading
11:30 Sermon
12:00 Kiddush (lunch)
For sponsorship opportunities regarding lunch, which are always appreciated, please get in touch with Rabbi Menachem.
Upcoming Morning Service is on Saturday September 07 at 9:30 am. No registration needed. We would love for you to drop by!