All classes meet on Sunday’s from 10:30 AM—12:00 PM at the Chabad Jewish Center of Troy located at 3306 Auburn Rd, Auburn Hills, 48326.

10:30-10:40 Tefillah-Prayer

10:40-11:00 Class Curriculum

11:00-11:30 Hands on interactive learning

11:30-12PM Hebrew Reading-Aleph Champ

A calendar with specific dates will be provided before school starts.


Regular attendance is crucial to your child’s success in Hebrew school.

There is a direct correlation between attendance and achievement, interest and attitude.

Furthermore, coming late disturbs the entire class and disrupts your child’s classroom routine.

Any work that is missed due to attendance has to be made up.

Adhering to the attendance policy will be greatly appreciated and will help your child get the most out of Hebrew school.

Great attendance will be rewarded.


In order for our Hebrew School of the Arts program to be most effective, the home and Hebrew School of the Arts must work hand in hand and promote a close partnership.

The following are a few suggestions:

• Many of our students are involved in other extracurricular activities, i.e. sports, music lessons, etc. All these are important; however, please place priority on your child's Jewish education.

• Participation in Synagogue services and celebration of Jewish Holidays will greatly enhance your child's interest in Judaism and strengthen his/her Jewish identity. We invite all Hebrew School families to join us at Chabad for Shabbat and holiday services and programs. You belong-no membership needed!

• Show your child that you are interested in his/her Jewish education. Make a habit of asking your child/ren how their day was, and what they have learned. This will greatly encourage and help foster a strong Jewish identity and positive attitude.

• Always remember that informal Jewish education is one of the best motivators for creating a positive Jewish identity!